Contributed By: Amy Billings, Youth Services

Research tells us that, beyond the basics, what babies need most is face-to-face interaction with other people, the intellectual stimulation of something new to see, and a ton of talk. But, let’s face it, parents of new babies are often short on time and sleep.

How can we do this easily?

Here are 5 easy and fun ways from the experts at!

1. Tell baby what you are about to do with her “Let’s change your diaper, baby.” Describe what’s happening as you do it. “Do you hear that sound? I’m unfastening the tabs that hold your diaper on. I’m lifting up your legs . . . up we go!”

2. Read out loud from a magazine or book you’d like to read. Have baby within eye contact. She’ll enjoy hearing the sound of your voice.

3. Go for walks. You’ll see all sorts of interesting things that you can talk about as you walk outside or in the mall.

4. Play peek-a-boo, a fun game to involve your baby while folding laundry, making the bed, or doing your own activities like exercising.

5. Sing songs in the car sing along to the radio or make up your own little tunes using baby’s name.