When you obtain a new library card or update the address on your existing card, you will be offered the opportunity to register to vote or amend your voter registration.
Mail-in registration forms, with postage paid, are available at all branches. GCPL will provide you a form to complete and send to the Georgia Secretary of State regardless of whether you have a library card.
To be eligible to register to vote in Georgia, you must:
- Be a citizen of the United States and a legal resident of Georgia.
- Be at least 17 ½ years of age (at least 18 years of age to vote).
- Not be serving a sentence for a conviction of a felony involving moral turpitude.
- Not have been judicially declared to be mentally incompetent.
Not sure if you’re registered? Check the Georgia Secretary of State’s “My Voter Page”
For more information about voter registration and elections in Georgia, visit the Georgia Secretary of State’s website or Gwinnett County Voter Registration.