You will need your library card number and Password/PIN to check out and renew materials.
Borrowing/Lending Period
Items check out for three weeks unless otherwise noted.
You may have up to 75 items checked out at any one time.
Check out and return items to any GCPL location.
An item may be renewed a maximum of two times, provided no requests are pending and the account balance does not exceed $15.
The renewal date is three weeks from the date you renew, not from the due date. For example, when items are first checked out on Day One, they are initially due in three weeks on Day Twenty-One. If “Renew” is selected on Day One, no additional time is granted as three weeks from Day One still generates the same due date. Waiting until closer to the due date to request a renewal extends the loan period the longest for additional time with items checked out.
Log in to your account and renew your items. Due dates for renewed items are three weeks from the date you renew, not from the due date.
Library Fees
Extended Loan Fees
- Hardback Books: 20¢ per day; $8.00 maximum
- Paperbacks: 20¢ per day; $5.00 maximum
- Magazines: 20¢ per day; $3.00 maximum
- Audio Visual Materials: 20¢ per day; $8.00 maximum
Exemptions From Late Fines
Gwinnett County students and senior citizens are exempt from late fines, but are still liable for the replacement cost of lost items.
- Students and faculty of Gwinnett County schools can register for late fee exempt library cards through participating local schools, including Gwinnett County Public Schools, Buford City Schools, Greater Atlanta Christian School, and Hebron Christian Academy.
- Seniors 65 years of age and over are exempt from late fines.
Paying Fees
You may pay your fees in person at any library branch with Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, or cash.
You may also pay your fees online with Visa, Mastercard, Discover or American Express. Log In to your account to pay fees.
Customers will receive email reminders for overdue materials to the email address on file:
- 1st Notice sent at 7 days overdue
- 2nd Notice sent at 20 days overdue
- 3rd Notice sent at 33 days overdue
A balance of $15 or more prevents renewals and additional check outs on your card. If your balance reaches or exceeds $25, the account will be sent to our collection agency and a $10 non-refundable fee will be added to the amount due. Checkout privileges following a collection agency notice will resume once all charges including the $10 fee are resolved.
Lost or Damaged Materials
Cardholders are responsible for the replacement cost of lost or damaged items. Your account will be charged the replacement cost of an item if it is 45 days or more overdue. Refunds will not be issued to customers who have paid for lost or damaged materials.