Look all around you and you’ll see community helpers. Using these books you can introduce your children to the helpers they see every day. This can build a foundation for understanding how everyone working together makes the community work as a whole. We rely on our neighbors and they rely on us!
What Do Teachers Do? by Rita Kidde
Teachers have one of the most visible jobs in the school, but do students really understand all of the roles they fulfill? With this book, they will discover more about the many ways teachers plan, work, and succeed in the classroom to create worthwhile learning experiences. Find out more about people working in your school in the series Jobs In My School.
Meet My Neighbor the Dentist by Marc Crabtree
Smile! Meet David Meisels, the dentist! Peek behind the curtain of a busy dental office. David shows us how to clean our teeth and which tools he uses to keep them healthy and white. He will also introduce us to his daughters, Shiraz and Brit, and his wife, Hila. You can discover what your other neighbors are doing in the Meet My Neighbor series.
Mail Carriers at Work by Karen Latchana Kenney
Teaches young readers about the education, tasks, tools, and role in society of mail carriers. You can also find out more about Police Officers at Work in the same series.
Construction Workers by Elizabeth Morgan
Construction workers build and repair the homes, roads, and skyscrapers we see around us every day. Readers discover fun facts about this important career as they learn about the skills and tools used by construction workers on the job. You can learn about other careers in the series Hands-on Jobs.
Nurses Help by Dee Ready
Simple text and photographs present nurses and their role in the community. You can find more titles in the Our Community Helpers series.