Your church should be part of the conversation
Any progress we've made as a society on civil rights issues or racial healing has been birthed in and led by the church.
The Hooper-Renwick story is both about our past and our future. The faith community belongs in these conversations.
Join us!

Pastors Marion Sailor & Avery Headd

Next Steps for Your Church or House of Worship
1. Make a corporate gift or pledge
Join the growing number of faith communities who have given as a body toward the Hooper-Renwick Memorial Campaign. Whether your church pledges $1000/year for 5 years, $5000/year, or more for 5 years – every gift matters and every gift proclaims to all of Gwinnett that history matters. Complete a Pledge Form.
2. Encourage your members and attendees to give personally.
Have a Hooper-Renwick Sunday or fundraiser with your congregation. Share the videos on this page as well as the Member Gift link below. Contact us for assistance or if you have any questions.