Assistive Technology Resources

Assistive Technology Resources

Library Resources

  • Sign Language for ProgramsSign language interpreting for deaf or hearing impaired children attending any library story hour or program may be arrange by notifying the library at least 10 days before the program. To do so, please contact AskGCPL.
  • Large print books and audiobooks are available at all library branches. Books, DVDs and videos featuring sign language instruction are also available. 

Georgia Services

Additional Collections


Georgia Library Service for the blind and print disabled

Glass provides library services for the blind and others whose physical abilities require the use of books and magazines in audio format or in braille.  GLASS loans books and magazines in audio and Braille formats, as well as the necessary players. Books and players are mailed back and forth at no cost to the patron.

To access this free service, apply online for a GLS patron account.  Patrons will receive a Talking books machine and free delivery service.  Downloadable media is also available for a variety of devices.

Assistive Tool Kits

Kits containing research and study aides are available at each location for in-branch checkout with your library card. Contents of the kit can be found in the catalog here.




Assistive Technology Center at the Lawrenceville Branch

The following items are available for the checkout at the Lawrenceville Branch.

Prodigi Digital Magnifier

Used for electronic magnification, the Prodigi has 16 settings and allows users to switch from reading documents to listening to them. Handheld tablet is available for checkout from library staff.

Dell PC

JAWS, ZoomText, and Natural reader software installed.

Brailliant BI 40 Braille keyboard

Available for checkout from library staff.


Apple accessibility settings include “Voice Over,” large/zoom text, increased contrast and inverted colors. Subtitles/captioning, and custom gestures for using the iPad are also available. Free apps include the big browser, Dragon Dictation and Mag-light.

Trackball Mouse & Accessibility Keyboard

For those with a visual impairment or who have a preference for a large typeface, accessibility keyboards are available for checkout from library staff along with the trackball mouse as an alternative to a traditional mouse.

Intel Reader

Combines a high-resolution camera with the power of an Intel Atom processor that converts printed text to digital text, then reads it aloud.

Adjustable Height Tables & Chairs


GCPL’s Assistive Technology Center is supported in part by Walton EMC Operation Round Up.